School Management System Project In Vb 6.0

The school management system is a web-based system which will use as a platform for interaction between student, teachers and parents. While the main objective of this project is to computerize the paperwork in the system and automate the work. The computerization is done so that the storage of all the details regarding students and teachers will be stored in the system which makes system centralized and the chance of duplication of any data is minimized. While by doing automation to the system will reduce the time for storing any data in the system.

Student management system in vb6.0 free download. Student Management System Free Download Student Management System is desktop based management desktop software developed. This application is developed with the help of Visual basic 6.0 and Oracle 8. This application can also be run on the network environment so it can be said as network application. TOOLS/PLATFORM This project is developed using the tools, which are most suited for development of the Application Package. These tools are as follows: - 1.

Problem with existing system

In the present School Management System, it is uneasy to store the information related to students, faculty and parents on the paper. As there is too many information when someone tries to access any of stored information it becomes a difficult and time-consuming task. While these days parents and faculty have more work than just take care of students it is difficult for both parents and faculty to monitor them. Whereas the storing and retrieving an information is a difficult task, it also requires much amount of unnecessary worker to do the task.

Proposed system

The school management system will manage all the work in any school in particular order so that the time requirement and complexity of the system will be reduced, at first it will focus on student related information. As a student gets the admission in the school system will start managing the details regarding the students. It will manage the fee details, and if the full payment has not done, then it will notify about the fee to a staff of the school. School Management System will then display the date of the test and when the test completes it will display the results of the students. While the parents can use it to monitor their children’s performance, also they can contact with the teachers.

School Management System Snapshot

School Management System Module

School Management System Project In Vb 6.0 With Source Code Free Download

The person in this module has control over the entire system as he/she can add, delete anyone from the system. The admin can view the details of another person and can edit any details. The users from another module will send the request to admin for any change.

From this module, the students can view the details of the assignment given to them, test date, results, time-table.

The parents can monitor the performance of their children, can contact with the teachers, view the due fee amount.

This module contains the information of a teachers, librarian, accountant.

Hardware requirements

  • Processor : Intel Pentium 4
  • Hard disk : 2GB
  • Ram : 512 MB

Software requirement

Student information system project in vb 6.0
  • Front end : PHP
  • Back end : SQL server 2005
  • Tool : Microsoft visual studio 2005

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