Ravenloft Tarokka Deck


Still being assembled.
Ravenloft tarokka deck pdfDeckRavenloft
After I finish my current 2nd edition AD&D campaign (I am running them through the Night Below box set), there is some interest in a 2nd edition AD&D Ravenloft game. I have a big stack of Ravenloft adventure books and a lot of them talk about using the Tarokka deck. Unfortunaly I've never been able to find a deck and the Forbidden Lore Box set includes stuff I either don't need or don't want (or is all ready included in the hardcover Domains of Dread book).
I have been eyeing up the Harrow Deck for Pathfinder though and I'm sure my local gaming store has a copy. My question is, how easy would it be to reokace the Tarokka deck with the Harrow deck? Could I easily replace it and use it for the adventures' fortune telling purposes? Anything I might need to change or ignore? Should I just try to track down a Tarokka deck.

Ravenloft Tarokka Deck Pdf

As part of our massive preview of Neverwinter's Module 14: Ravenloft, I'm going over the Tarokka Deck system in this article. The deck is handed out as part of the introductory quest line and serves a dual-purpose in the game. This game accessory gives Ravenloft players and Dungeon Masters a chance to explore the wonders of the Vistani Tarokka. Useful as a prop for half-Vistani characters and NPCs, this detailed deck also offers a multitude of ideas and plot hooks for guiding campaigns or creating interesting sidelights for character development. The strong points: The Tarokka deck and Ravenloft are strongly intertwined for more than 25 years. Even though Ravenloft as a campaign setting does not currently exist in the fifth edition, the deck finds its way back in what is the 5th edition's iteration of the most iconic gothic horror adventure: the remake of I6 - Ravenloft.