Power Point For Mac Insert Equation Shortcut

This tutorial will give you a very useful information on ow to add various videos to your PowerPoint presentation which you create on Mac computers. It is possible to link or embed any kind of videos from your personal Mac computer into PowerPoint presentation. It goes without saying all embedded videos are very convenient. The only negative side the have is that such videos are stored in your PowerPoint presentation. This makes the size of your PowerPoint presentation too large. If the size of your presentation have to be as small as possible, you should consider linked videos. They will not affect the size of your PowerPoint presentation, but they may break. In order not to have problems with linked videos you should move the file and video itself together. In order not to have problems with linked video content, you have to copy your video into the same folder where you keep your PowerPoint presentation.

  1. Mac Insert Key
  2. Powerpoint For Mac Insert Equation Shortcut Tool

Creating outlines for PowerPoint in various external applications lets you stay away from distractions in PowerPoint-land and concentrate on the structure of your slides rather than their. To use a keyboard shortcut that is the same as a default Mac OS X keyboard shortcut, you must first turn off that Mac OS X keyboard shortcut. On the Apple menu, click System Preferences. Under Hardware, click Keyboard, and then click the Keyboard Shortcuts tab. For the keyboard shortcut that you want to turn off, clear the check box.

If you want to link videos from YouTube or Vimeo, you will need to install the add-in which is called “Web Video PlayerOffice”. This add-in will help you to keep the size of your PowerPoint presentation quite small and you will not have to copy videos to your personal computer.

Now, let’s see how it is possible to insert videos which you store on Mac computer into PowerPoint presentation:
1. Refer to the view “Normal” and choose which PowerPoint slide you want to insert a video content to.
2. Find the tab “Insert” and click first “Video” and then “Movie from File”.

3. Now, you can see a dialog box named “Choose a Movie” in front of you where you have to choose which video file you would like to insert into your current PowerPoint presentation.
• In order to embed your video content on PowerPoint slide you just have to press “Insert”.
• In order to insert a link to your video on PowerPoint slide, you will need to press “Options” (see the left corner), then choose the box “Link to File” and click “Insert”.

Once a video content has been successfully added to your PowerPoint presentation, it is possible to add interesting effects. Also, do not forget to set how you want this video content to be played: automatically or after clicking on it.

Just a quick post to share some of my favorite tech tips. These are some that I think everyone is born knowing and then I’m shocked to find someone techier/younger/hipper who doesn’t know it.

1. Print 2 to a page.

Seriously, these kids have good vision. Save a tree. In Word 2010 or higher, it’s the bottom option:

And in earlier versions, it’s in the lower right of the print box:

(I don’t know why I didn’t set my examples to actually have “2 pages” instead of one, but I trust you guys are smart enough to figure that part out.)

Pro tip: Type your original on legal. When you print 2 to a page, it will use up all that space you get at the bottom when printing letter 2/page.

2. DoPDF PDF Converter.

Download here. (Looks like Windows only, sorry losers Mac users)

This installs another printer on your machine, but it really prints it to a PDF file. Simply print, select it as your printer, then choose where to save it (you can even choose a default folder). “But I can save .docx as a .pdf, so why would I need this?”

A) Combine with tip #1. Type your document as normal (because using Word’s 2 to a page layout while making a worksheet is super annoying), maybe using a slightly larger font (maybe 14, but I can get away with 11). Choose doPDF as your printer and choose 2 copies. Then it opens up the PDF and you can print 2 to a page from there. This really helps when you use the protip above, because sometimes Word doesn’t play nicely printing legal 2 to a page.

B) Make a PDF of a powerpoint handout to post for your students. Is there anything more annoying than seeing a kid in the library print out 27 full-page slides? But since you can’t teach everyone everything, this helps.

C) Print all those annoying “print this confirmation” pages (even though I’m about to get 12 different emails confirming that I did, in fact, order Orphan Black Season 2 because I can’t wait for it to come on Amazon Instant Prime). Send them all to a “receipt” file. Bonus if you can spell “receipt” right on the first try.

Mac Insert Key

3. En Dash Shortcut

PointPowerpoint for mac insert equation shortcut keysInsert

You know how sometimes Word will change your hyphen to a nice wider subtraction sign (the “en dash”), but sometimes it won’t depending on the relative humidity? I can’t believe that in my previous shortcut post, I forgot to share my favorite shortcut off all: making two hyphens into an en dash:

Bonus tip:

Dude, I just learned this one last month and I’ve been a dropbox user forever. I would always go to the website to get a link to share, but did you know that with box or dropbox, you can right-click on the file or folder on your desktop to get the link? It’ll copy it straight to your clipboard.

Powerpoint For Mac Insert Equation Shortcut Tool

Am I seriously the last one to learn about this?