How To Get Fate Stay Night Visual Novel For Mac

This video will teach you exactly how to download and install Fate/stay night visual novel.Li. NOTE: If your country has blocked Nyaa links, please use a VPN. FatefulRemake: A remake of Fate/Stay Night. This is an open source recreation of the popular visual 'Fate/Stay Night'. A quick history lesson, Fate/Stay Night was originally released in Japan in 2004 as a japanese only Adult Novel, over the years it has had a number of fan translations, anime and manga adaptions, spin-offs, sequals and prequals.


Release Date:
Jan 30, 2004


Age Rating:

Action, Drama, Fantasy, Supernatural

Romance Options:
M > F

Original Language:

Estimated Total Length:
40+ hours


Game Summary: The one who obtains the Holy Grail will have any wish come true.

The Holy Grail War. A great ritual that materializes the greatest holy artifact, the Holy Grail. There are two conditions to participate in this ritual: to be a magus, and to be a “Master” chosen by the Holy Grail.

There are seven chosen Masters, and seven classes of Servants; beings akin to superhumans with incredible fighting abilities. There is only one Holy Grail. If you wish for a miracle, prove that you are the strongest with your powers.

How To Get Fate Stay Night Visual Novel For Mac Free

Emiya Shirou is a high school student who has learned rudimentary magic from his father and uses it to fix objects. He finds himself engaged in the Holy Grail war as he gets attacked by a Servant. As he gets cornered, he somehow summons his own Servant and manages to stay alive long enough to compete against the other Masters.

Attribution: VNDB and Mirror Moon

Ages 18+ Version:
  • Patch by Mirror Moon: get it here (Completed 11/01/2008)
    • Works with PC Version
    • VNDS Android Converter: Link
How to get fate stay night visual novel for mac download

“I ask of you. Are you my master?” It’s a quote that started it all; a huge franchise, an amazing concept that will entrance fans for years, and a great visual novel.

Rockmandash Reviews+: Fate/stay night [Visual Novel]

Fate/stay night is a well crafted story, with a stellar world, great writing and and an amazing premise. It’s famous for this premise, and for a good reason: it’s about a Fight-to-the-death tournament called The Fifth Holy Grail War

Rockmandash Reviews: Fate/Stay Night [Visual Novel]

Fate/Stay night is set in Japan, where a deadly battle for the mysterious artefact known as the Holy Grail takes place. The aptly named Holy Grail War isn’t an ordinary scrap, either – Heroic Spirits from the past with extraordinary powers are summoned by 7 Magi (chosen by the Grail itself, incidentally) to compete for their prize: the granting of any wish their hearts desire.

How to get fate stay night visual novel for mac download
Official Fuwa Score:
  • (No FuwaReview, Yet)

Over the last few weeks I’ve been writing about how to play amazing visual novels on your Android devices. The list includes Fate/Stay Night, Ever17, Tsukihime, and a general guide to VNDS.

So far, I’ve focused exclusively on running these games in the VNDS App which is obtainable on the Google Play store. As has been noted, VNDS certainly has limitations (a recent bug in the converter made a few routes in the Never 7 game unplayable). Today is the day we break the VNDS streak, and I introduce you to an amazing way to play ANY VN from your Android and iOS devices.

Behold: Splashtop 2 (Google Play) (iTunes – iPad, iPhone) Splashtop 2 is a FREE app that streams your desktop computer’s video output to your iPad, Android tablet, or phone. So, what does that mean for VN gaming?

It means I played Rewrite on my iPad, and Fate/Stay Night on my Nexus 7 last night. And, by the way, the video was perfect, the audio didn’t lag, and I was a happy, happy man.

Working the App

You’re a smart person, so I wont beat you over the head with tutorials (if you do have specific questions, you’ll be able to get support on the developer’s website) . There are, however, a few things you’ll need to understand to make this program work:

How To Get Fate Stay Night Visual Novel For Macbook

Necessary Software:

How To Get Fate Stay Night Visual Novel For Mac

  • The App Itself. Android =Google Play / iOS= iPad, iPhone
  • The Desktop Client. You’ll need to install the desktop client for your PC or Mac. (Link – See “Step 2 – Download Streamer” near the top of the page) Make sure to check around the desktop client’s settings to set things up as you like/they recommend. (I’m security-conscious, so I password-ed everything)

Limitations on Usage

  • The app works for FREE when your tablet/phone/device and your PC desktop (or Mac) are on the same wireless network
  • When you’re away from home, you CAN use 3G/4G/other wireless to access your PC, but you need to subscribe to a service (in-app purchase, recurring) to do so
  • ***NOTE!*** In-Game, sometimes the clicking/double clicking doesn’t work on menus. This is an issue with the game programming. All you need to do is (1) Move your mouse over the menu item you want to choose, (2) Pull up the keyboard by pressing the keyboard button on the bottom-right of the screen (see my screenshot above), and (3) Press the enter or return key a couple of times. This will register with the game, and you’ll be able to start/load/save. Note: In the actual game itself, just tapping the game window will progress the story dialogue, just as you’d hope. Awesome!
How To Get Fate Stay Night Visual Novel For Mac

How To Get Fate Stay Night Visual Novel

If it’s working slowly for you, the problem is either your PC (see minimum specs), or your wireless router.

So! Isn’t that awesome? Yes, the VNDS (and other, future options I’ll write about soon) may be better for games-on-the-go since you need (1) a wifi/3G/4G/etc. data connection to stream your PC, and (2) a subscription if you want to stream away from home, but, at the same time, if you’re just relaxing at home and want to pull up a VN in bed, this is a great option for you.

How To Get Fate Stay Night Visual Novel For Mac Torrent

Enjoy the games! (and get more on!)

How To Get Fate Stay Night Visual Novel For Mac Download

Tay is a big fan of Fuwanovel and Visual Novels in general. If you have any feedback/comments for him, you can always comment on a blog article, find him in the Fuwanovel forums, or catch him on twitter: @ArchmageTay