Export Xenu File To Excel

From the Results grid, select data that you want to export to an Excel file, right click in the Result grid and, from the context menu, choose the Export to Excel option:. This will open a new Excel workbook and the selected data from the Results grid will be copied in the first worksheet: More about exporting to Excel via ApexSQL Complete can be found on the Export to Excel page. The MySQL for Excel add-in Export to Excel using a third-party software Export/Import MySQL data to Excel using the SELECT INTO OUTFILE statement. One of the commonly used MySQL statement which can be included in the SELECT statements for exporting data to specific (e.g.,.txt,.CSV) file format is SELECT INTO OUTFILE statement.



Not all data can be viewed or exported by all users. There are safeguards that report designers and administrators use when building dashboards and reports. Some data is restricted, hidden, or confidential, and cannot be seen or exported without special permissions.

Who can export data

If you have permissions to the data, you can see and export the data that Power BI uses to create a visualization. Often, data is confidential or limited to specific users. In those cases, you will not be able to see or export that data. For details, see the Limitations and considerations section at the end of this document.

Viewing and exporting data

If you'd like to see the data that Power BI uses to create a visualization, you can display that data in Power BI. You can also export that data to Excel as an .xlsx or .csv file. The option to export the data requires a Pro or Premium license as well as edit permissions to the dataset and report. If you have access to the dashboard or report but the data is classified as highly confidential, Power BI will not allow you to export the data.

Watch Will export the data from one of the visualizations in his report, save it as an .xlsx file, and open it in Excel. Then follow the step-by-step instructions below the video to try it out yourself. Note that this video uses an older version of Power BI.

Export Xenu File To Excel Free

Export data from a Power BI dashboard

  1. Select More actions (...) from the upper-right corner of the visualization.

  2. Choose the Export to .csv option.

  3. Power BI exports the data to a .csv file. If you've filtered the visualization, then the .csv export will be filtered as well.

  4. Your browser will prompt you to save the file. Once saved, open the .csv file in Excel.

Export data from a report

To follow along, open the Procurement analysis sample report in the Power BI service in Editing view. Add a new blank report page. Then follow the steps below to add an aggregation, hierarchy, and a visualization-level filter.


Create a stacked column chart

  1. Create a new Stacked column chart.

  2. From the Fields pane, select Location > City, Location > Country/Region, and Invoice > Discount Percent. You may have to move Discount Percent into the Value well.

  3. Change the aggregation for Discount Percent from Count to Average. In the Value well, select the arrow to the right of Discount Percent (it may say Count of Discount Percent), and choose Average.

  4. Add a filter to City, select all cities, and then remove Atlanta.

  5. Drill down one level in the hierarchy. Turn on drilling and drill down to the City level.

Now we're ready to try out both options for exporting data.

Export summarized data

Select the option for Summarized data if you want to export data for what you see in that visual. This type of export shows you only the data (columns and measures) that are being used to create the visual. If the visual has an aggregate, you'll export aggregated data. For example, if you have a bar chart showing four bars, you'll get four rows of Excel data. Summarized data is available in the Power BI service as .xlsx and .csv and in Power BI Desktop as .csv.

  1. Select the ellipsis in the upper-right corner of the visualization. Select Export data.

    In the Power BI service, since your visualization has an aggregate (you changed Count to average), you'll have two options:

    • Summarized data

    • Underlying data

    For help understanding aggregates, see Aggregates in Power BI.


    In Power BI Desktop, you'll only have the option to export summarized data as a .csv file.

  2. From Export data, select Summarized data, either choose .xlsx or .csv, and then select Export. Power BI exports the data.

  3. When you select Export, your browser prompts you to save the file. Once saved, open the file in Excel. If you're using the Power BI app in Microsoft Teams, you may not receive the same prompts. Your exported file is saved in your local Downloads folder.

    In this example, our Excel export shows one total for each city. Since we filtered out Atlanta, it isn't included in the results. The first row of our spreadsheet shows the filters that Power BI used when extracting the data.

    • All the data used by the hierarchy is exported, not simply the data used for the current drill level for the visual. For example, we had drilled down to the city level, but our export includes country data as well.

    • Our exported data is aggregated. We get a total, one row, for each city.

    • Since we applied filters to the visualization, the exported data will export as filtered. Notice that the first row displays Applied filters: City is not Atlanta, GA.

Export underlying data

Select this option if you want to see the data in the visual and additional data from the dataset (see chart below for details). If your visualization has an aggregate, selecting Underlying data removes the aggregate. In this example, the Excel export shows one row for every single City row in our dataset and the discount percent for that single entry. Power BI flattens the data, it doesn't aggregate it.

When you select Export, Power BI exports the data to an .xlsx file and your browser prompts you to save the file. Once saved, open the file in Excel.

  1. Select the ellipsis from the upper-right corner of the visualization. Select Export data.

    In the Power BI service, since your visualization has an aggregate (you changed Count to average), you'll have two options:

    • Summarized data

    • Underlying data

    For help understanding aggregates, see Aggregates in Power BI.


    In Power BI Desktop, you'll only have the option to export summarized data.

  2. From Export data, select Underlying data, and then select Export. Power BI exports the data.

  3. When you select Export, your browser prompts you to save the file. Once saved, open the file in Excel. If you're using the Power BI app in Microsoft Teams, you may not receive the same prompts. Your exported file is saved in your local Downloads folder.

    • This screenshot shows you only a small portion of the Excel file; it has more than 100,000 rows.

    • All the data used by the hierarchy is exported, not simply the data used for the current drill level for the visual. For example, we had drilled down to the city level, but our export includes country data as well.

    • Since we applied filters to the visualization, the exported data will export as filtered. Notice that the first row displays Applied filters: City is not Atlanta, GA.

Customize the export data user experience

Users who are granted access to a report are granted access to the entire underlying dataset, unless row-level security (RLS) limits their access. Report authors and Power BI administrators can use the capabilities described below to customize the user experience.

  • Report authors decide which export options are available to users.

  • Power BI administrators can turn off some or all data export options for their organization.

  • Dataset owners can set row level security (RLS). RLS will restrict access to read-only users. But if you have configured an app workspace and given members edit permissions, RLS roles will not be applied to them. For more information, see Row-level security.

  • Report authors can hide columns so that they don't show up in the Fields list. For more information, see Dataset properties

These customized user experience do not restrict what data users can access in the dataset. Use row-level security (RLS) in the dataset so that each person's credentials determine which data they can access.

Protect data when it is exported out of Power BI

  • Report authors can classify and label reports using Microsoft Information Protection sensitivity labels. If the sensitivity label has protection settings, Power BI will apply these protection settings when export report data to Excel, PowerPoint, or PDF files. Only authorized users can open protected files.

  • Security and Power BI a administrators can use Microsoft Cloud App Security to monitor user access and activity, perform real-time risk analysis, and set label-specific controls. For example, organizations can use Microsoft Cloud App Security to configure a policy that prevents users from downloading sensitive data from Power BI to unmanaged devices.

Export Excel File To Html

Export underlying data details

What you see when you select Underlying data can vary. Understanding these details may require the help of your admin or IT department.

Visual containsWhat you'll see in export
Aggregatesthe first aggregate and non-hidden data from the entire table for that aggregate
Aggregatesrelated data - if the visual uses data from other data tables that are related to the data table that contains the aggregate (as long as that relationship is *:1 or 1:1)
Measures*all measures in the visual and all measures from any data table containing a measure used in the visual
Measures*all non-hidden data from tables that contain that measure (as long as that relationship is *:1 or 1:1)
Measures*all data from all tables that are related to table(s) containing the measures via a chain of *:1 of 1:1)
Measures onlyall non-hidden columns from all related tables (to expand the measure)
Measures onlysummarized data for any duplicate rows for model measures

* In Power BI Desktop or service, in the reporting view, a measure shows in the Fields list with a calculator icon . Measures can be created in Power BI Desktop.

Set the export options

Power BI report designers control the types of data export options that are available for their consumers. The choices are:

  • Allow end users to export summarized data from the Power BI service or Power BI Report Server

  • Allow end users to export both summarized and underlying data from the service or Report Server

  • Don't allow end users to export any data from the service or Report Server


    We recommend that report designers revisit old reports and manually reset the export option as needed.

To set these options:

  1. Start in Power BI Desktop.

  2. From the upper left corner, select File > Options and Settings > Options.

  3. Under CURRENT FILE, select Report settings.

  4. Make your selection from the Export data section.

You can also update this setting in the Power BI service.

It's important to note that if the Power BI admin portal settings conflict with the report settings for export data, the admin settings will override the export data settings.

Limitations and considerations

These limitations and considerations apply to Power BI Desktop and the Power BI service, including Power BI Pro and Premium.

  • To export the data from a visual, you need to have Build permission for the underlying dataset.

  • The maximum number of rows that Power BI Desktop and Power BI service can export from an import mode report to a .csv file is 30,000.

  • The maximum number of rows that the applications can export from an import mode report to an .xlsx file is 150,000.

  • Export using Underlying data won't work if:

    • the version is older than 2016.

    • the tables in the model don't have a unique key.

    • an administrator or report designer has disabled this feature.

  • Export using Underlying data won't work if you enable the Show items with no data option for the visualization Power BI is exporting.

  • When using DirectQuery, the maximum amount of data that Power BI can export is 16-MB uncompressed data. An unintended result may be that you export less than the maximum number of rows of 150,000. This is likely if:

    • There are too many columns. Try reducing the number of columns and exporting again.

    • There's data that is difficult to compress.

    • Other factors are at play that increase file size and decrease the number of rows Power BI can export.

  • If the visualization uses data from more than one data table, and no active relationship exists for those tables in the data model, Power BI only exports data for the first table.

  • Power BI custom visuals and R visuals aren't currently supported.

  • In Power BI, you can rename a field (column) by double-clicking the field and typing a new name. Power BI refers to the new name as an alias. It's possible that a Power BI report can end up with duplicate field names, but Excel doesn't allow duplicates. So when Power BI exports the data to Excel, the field aliases revert to their original field (column) names.

  • If there are Unicode characters in the .csv file, the text in Excel may not display properly. Examples of Unicode characters are currency symbols and foreign words. You can open the file in Notepad and the Unicode will display correctly. If you want to open the file in Excel, the workaround is to import the .csv. To import the file into Excel:

    1. Open Excel.

    2. Go to the Data tab.

    3. Select Get external data > From text.

    4. Go to the local folder where the file is stored and select the .csv.

  • When exporting to .csv, certain characters will be escaped with a leading ' to prevent script execution when opened in Excel. This happens when:

    • The column is defined as type 'text' in the data model, and
    • The first character of the text is one of the following: =, @, +, -
  • Power BI admins can disable the export of data.

  • If a dynamic format string is applied to a measure, the exported data would not preserve this formatting in Excel.

More questions? Try asking the Power BI Community

You can convert and open spreadsheets in Numbers on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac, or online at iCloud.com.

Convert and open spreadsheets in Numbers on iPhone or iPad

You can work with a variety of file formats in Numbers on your iPhone or iPad. Check which formats are compatible with Numbers on iPhone and iPad.

Convert a Numbers spreadsheet in Numbers on iPhone or iPad


If you want to open a Numbers spreadsheet in another app like Microsoft Excel, use Numbers to convert the spreadsheet into the appropriate format.

  1. In Numbers, open the spreadsheet that you want to convert, then tap the More button .
  2. Tap Export.
  3. Choose a format for your spreadsheet. For example, to open your Numbers spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel, choose Excel.
  4. Choose any additional options in the window that appears. For example, when exporting to Excel you can choose whether to create a worksheet for each table or for each sheet. If you create a separate worksheet for each table, you can choose whether to include a summary worksheet with links to all the tables.
  5. Choose how you want to send your spreadsheet, like with Mail or Messages.

Open a file in Numbers on your iPhone or iPad

To open a file like a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet on your iPhone or iPad, tap the file in the spreadsheet manager. If you don’t see the spreadsheet manager, tap the Back button (on an iPhone or iPod touch) or Spreadsheets (on an iPad), then tap the file that you want to open. If a file is dimmed, it’s not in a compatible format.

You can also open a file in Numbers from a different app like the Files app, or from an email:

  1. Open the other app, then select the spreadsheet or attachment.
  2. Tap the Share button .
  3. Tap Copy to Numbers. The original file remains intact.

After the file opens, you might get a message that the file was last edited in an app other than the most recent version of Numbers. Tap Done to open the file in Numbers.

Convert and open spreadsheets in Numbers for Mac

You can work with a variety of file formats in Numbers for Mac. Check which formats are compatible with Numbers for Mac.

Convert a Numbers spreadsheet in Numbers for Mac

If you want to open a Numbers spreadsheet in another app like Microsoft Excel, use Numbers to convert the spreadsheet to an appropriate format.

Export excel file to word
  1. In Numbers, open the Numbers spreadsheet that you want to convert.
  2. Choose File > Export To, then select the format.
  3. In the window that appears, you can choose a different format or set up any additional options. For example, you can require a password to open an exported PDF, or choose the format for an exported Excel spreadsheet.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Enter a name for your file and select a folder to save it to.
  6. Click Export.

To send a file in a specific format through Mail, Messages, AirDrop, or Notes, choose Share > Send a Copy, choose how you want to send the spreadsheet, then choose a format.

Open a file in Numbers for Mac

You can open a file from the Finder or from the Numbers app:

  • From the Finder, Control-click the file, then choose Open With > Numbers. If Numbers is the only spreadsheet app on your Mac, you can just double-click the file.
  • From the Numbers for Mac app, choose File > Open, select the file, then click Open. If a file is dimmed, it’s not in a compatible format.

When the file opens, you might get a message that the spreadsheet will look different. For example, Numbers notifies you when fonts are missing. You might see also see warnings when you open spreadsheets created in older versions of Numbers.

Convert and open spreadsheets in Numbers for iCloud

Numbers for iCloud lets you open, edit, and share your files from a supported browser on a Mac or PC. Check which formats are compatible with Numbers for iCloud.

Convert a Numbers spreadsheet in Numbers for iCloud

  1. Sign in to iCloud.com with your Apple ID.
  2. Click Numbers.
  3. In the spreadsheet manager, click the More button on the file you want to convert, then choose Download a Copy. If you have the spreadsheet open, click the Tools button in the toolbar, then choose Download a Copy.
  4. Choose a format for the spreadsheet. The file begins to download to your browser’s download location.

Open a file in Numbers for iCloud

  1. Sign in to iCloud.com with your Apple ID.
  2. Click Numbers.
  3. Drag the file you want to upload into the spreadsheet manager in your browser. Or click the Upload button , select the file, then click Choose.
  4. Double-click the file in the spreadsheet manager.

Check file format compatibility

Formats you can open in Numbers

You can open these file formats in Numbers on iPhone, iPad, Mac, and online at iCloud.com:

  • All Numbers versions
  • Microsoft Excel: Office Open XML (.xlsx) and Office 97 or later (.xls)
  • Comma Separated Values (.csv)
  • Tab-delimited or fixed-width text files

Formats you can convert Numbers spreadsheets into

Numbers on iPhone or iPad:

Export Xenu File To Excel Spreadsheet

  • Microsoft Excel Office Open XML (.xlsx)
  • PDF
  • Comma Separated Values (.csv)
  • Tab Separated Values (.tsv)

Numbers for Mac:

  • Numbers ’09
  • Microsoft Excel: Office Open XML (.xlsx) and Office 97 or later (.xls)
  • PDF
  • Comma Separated Values (.csv)
  • Tab Separated Values (.tsv)

Numbers for iCloud:

  • Microsoft Excel Office Open XML (.xlsx)
  • PDF
  • Comma Separated Values (.csv)

Learn more

  • Numbers on iPhone, iPad, Mac, and online at iCloud.com use the same file format. If you create or edit a spreadsheet in Numbers on one platform, you can open it in Numbers on any of the other platforms.
  • You can update to current versions of Numbers on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch from the App Store. To update Numbers for Mac, use the App Store app on your Mac.
  • If you convert a Numbers spreadsheet into Numbers ’09-compatible spreadsheet, learn more about changes that happen when you export to iWork ’09.